Saturday, July 13, 2013

Making a foundation

Hey everyone, sorry I didn't get around to posting yesterday. I worked on the tank at the top of the mountain for the toilet we are building at the bottom. In the morning I pushed a wheelbarrow full of tools up to the top, so I was already tired by the time I started working.

When we began to work, Michael said that we didn't level enough land for the foundation before. We leveled out the last bit and began to mark the foundation with sticks and fish line. When it was marked we began to dig the trench around. It was half a meter deep, which doesn't sound too difficult. But it was very hot, so everyone was tired. The World Challenge people worked 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off. I just worked until I got tired, got a drink, and worked some more. They also took an hour for lunch.

I was very tired. Today I slept in for the first time since I got here, which was nice. Most of the other volunteers went zip lining, and will be back tomorrow. I just hung around the lodge.

Two of my roommates will go home to Australia and Germany on Monday. Hopefully the people who replace them will be cool.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to take care of yourself, Louis. Pacing is important, because you can be more productive--and safer--if you're properly rested and hydrated. I'm glad you slept in; it sounds like hard work.
